Change is a good thing, so for a change, how about if I start with the awards? (too radical?)
Here is the first one. It is called a duffy. I got it from a mysterious person who did not give his/her name but who just dropped it on me and hoped that I would welcome it. Well I guess I did, meaning that this is a time when we can all put our hands together and watch me walk up the stairs of acceptance (the stairs are all labeled with different stages of acceptance. Surprise, pride, desire for greater success etc.)

OK, the next one is from an organization that gives out awards. I guess all you have to do is deserve an award and they'll get you one right away.

And this is what he came up with!

OK, so this last one was sent in by a fan who wanted me to have a big contest! It has a space for you to add in your own face! Look at how great it is! You can be pictured next to me: A great and famous blogger!

Add in your face and send it to me! LADIES ONLY! Unless if you're a guy you can change the face to make it more feminine. As long as you look like a sexy vixen I will accept anything.
Who ever wins will get the great honor of an original drawing by me, and will be able to choose the subject of my next review!
Thanks all!
(((~~~^^^SONTY MICK^^^~~~)))
I would try to type something witty that goes against these bad awards, but then again, not everyone has to be serious in awards and stuff on this site, so I'll just kick back and watch. Besides, this contest looks like it'll result to something hilairous so I'll stick around for a bit. I also see that your sucky writing is getting a little better. Keep practicing and maybe people won't yell at you as much.
Photo for the BIG CONTEST.!!
Email me at about it!! ^_^
pogy nick is my hero. i love you pogy nick
Oh, gee, a contest! I must get on this right away!
haha. i laugh at this really dumb contest because im bored.
seems that you're only aiming at the good stuff so that the less popular comics could get someore attention... right? or are you just being retarded?
Dear Sonty,
This is a webcomic, and it is SO BAD.
Sony you are so hot I want your babies.
Am I the only one who sees the blatant satire in all of this? Jesus shit...
nathan, you i laugh at you because you're just as bad as mick. saying its bad because of the art or no actual storyline.
and i'll say the rest of these "vexens" are whores >:) HEHEHHEEEEEHEEHEE!! *runs off*
Your name is misspelled on the Duffy.
I think you should do a review criticizing the orthographic quality of the Duffy. Don't get me wrong, the trophy image is good, but it takes both good art and good writing to make a good webc...I mean, um, award.
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